Hello, my name is Junyi (Juni) Mei. I am currently an undergraduate student at Nankai University, pursuing double degree of Information Security and Law.
🔭 I am interested in compiler techniques, programming languages, computer architecture, and machine learning.
🌱 I am also an enthusiast of linguistics and philosophy.
Tianjin, China 2021.9 - 2025.8
Main Courses
Computer Architecture (92/100), Principles of Compiler (98/100), Operating System (93/100), Computer Networks (93/100), Database System (95/100), etc.
Nankai University 2023.10
Nankai University 2022.10
Computer System Development Capability Competition
Functional Design Track
Computer System Development Capability Competition
Computer System Development Capability Competition
Functional Design Track
Computer System Development Capability Competition
Team Member, Tianjin, 2022.10-2023.4
Junior Division
This is a very simple, basic blog and personal website built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. I am not a professional in web development, but ChatGPT helped me a lot in building the structure and the frontend. I also have learned a lot while coding this site.